Success Criteria:
We'll know we have succeeded when our reflection covers the
9 guides that help me to reflect on this year and the year ahead.
a. How do you feel about this year? what I felt about this year was that I made some friends with the year 8s
b. What did you find especially satisfying this year? What I found satisfying this year is finding new strategies for maths.
c. What did you find especially frustrating/difficult this year? What I found difficult/frustrating this year was trying to use the strategies for our gloss test
d. If you were to to give yourself a grade out of 10 - 10 being awesome…what would you grade yourself? Why? I would grade myself 9/10 because when I’m doing my literacy I’m hard working but by the time I do maths I stop thinking.
e. In what ways did you contribute to team 5 in 2015? I Payed to go on every trip for this whole year even the end of year trip
f. What would you change for yourself in 2016?What I would change for myself is when I’m doing my work I should share my answers to other instead of just sitting there
g. What might you want next year’s teacher to know about you (things you’re good at)? What I would let my teacher know about me is that I’m hard working and Im always thinking when I'm doing work
h. What things might you want more help with? Something I might want more help with is joining some school sports teams because I always play sports when It’s play time
i. What could you show your teacher from your blog to help her/him understand those things? I would show more information in what I would change and fix up
This I was so excited being a year 7 making year 8 friends I thought it would be hard making new friends but I had some of my friends that I had through the whole year, Something I thought was really hard was doing P.E every day and I was so exhausted after every P.E run but most of the time I have Kiwi sport I had volley ball for this whole term.
The trips I went to was fun at the beginning of the year we went to polyfest, in term 4 the year 7s went to rainbows end and our last end of year trip is going to parakai and it is next monday but I won’t be here on the last day of school because I am taking a trip to samoa for two weeks.
I will still come back for my school holidays and sleep over my cousins house, what I hope for next year is being a house captain for next year and being a great leader.
This blog is a record of my learning during the years I was at Pt England School through to Tamaki College.
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
Reflection of the whole year
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
Warehouse visiting
This morning we got a surprise visit from the warehouse and their generosity offered us 1094.46 (one hundred and ninety four thousand and 46 cents) for camps next year and families get a net book for people that struggle to pay for a net book, and also we got a another surprise but this was a one that our principal Mr Burt doesn't know about they were talking about what riege they were in so they were in riege 8 and they had to choose a superhero and they chose Mr Burt and with the award he also got a 500 dollar gift card, they also helped the year 8s to go to their camp for nearly a whole term.
they also said they were going to sponsor us for another 6 months like WILL.I.AM sponsored us 10,000 dollars but we couldn't spend it all so we shared some with tamaki primary.
Something I learnt from the warehouse people was that the year 7s and I were going to be the new leaders for next year and we have to show S.W.A.L.L (show what awesome look like) to the younger children who are going to be the new leaders and the year 6s that are coming to the year 7s.
Something I learnt from the warehouse people was that the year 7s and I were going to be the new leaders for next year and we have to show S.W.A.L.L (show what awesome look like) to the younger children who are going to be the new leaders and the year 6s that are coming to the year 7s.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Today the whole school went to Sylvia park for the manaiakalani film festival but the year 7 & 8s went at a different time because there would be to much people.
But we went at a different time when ruapotaka came for there first time to the film festival, they only showed two movies and one tamaki college movie and all the angles I saw inspired me to do different kinds of angles.
Then moving on to the Pt England movies the first one was called The force “a brand new hair gel that gives you the power of a Jedi… coming to a store near you” the producer 1 said
“What's a Jedi?” Producer 2 asked
“You know from star wars” Producer 1 said
“is it the one with the glow in the dark swords?” producer 2 said
“yea I think so” producer 1 said as they walked off
Then the movie started like it was a commercial then it ended like a commercial. we had so many movies that we had half time.
and finish it after morning tea, the last movie was my classes movie called law and order pt England the story behind it was don’t use nasty words if you’re mad at other people.
Monday, 30 November 2015
Color poem
White is like the color of the thinking bubbles in my head when i’m doing my work
White is like the speed in my legs
White is the color on my favorite type of converse
White is always with me when I go to church
class 1,
Color poems.,
Lorenzo Lafolua,
year 7 & 8
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Google Expedition or Google cardboard
Today on the 24th of November we had a google expedition or a experience of the virtual world Mrs Tele’a gave us some instructions to do when it shows paused by teacher. She also told us what we would see and what the Ipad could do it could change the theme on the samsung or Iphone inside the google cardboard.
First we went to the rainforest and Mrs Tele’a told us to find diffrent animals first she told us to find a Python, then a mantis, next we had to find a dead leaf mantis.
Next we went to a 163 story tower in dubai then we went to a coliseum in paris then we went inside to have a look and it was like I was a actually inside it, then we went to other places then we finished our session it was like I never imagined being inside a virtual world and I feel like getting me one of the
google cardboard.
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Immersion assembly
This morning on the first day of term 4, team 5 and I went in the street to line up in our classes we went one by one class by class into the hall.
Firstly team 1 was going to the zoo to see how the animals adapt(adapt is a word that means how they live or how they eat through nature, they also did a karaoke and there were 10 students from the audience, the 10 students sang roar to win a prize and marika king miss king's daughter won the prize and it was to go on a trip with the team 1 kids to the zoo.
Next it was team 2 they were going to learn about dinosaurs and the team 2 kids were very excited to learn about dinosaurs, dinosaurs lived 100 million years ago until a giant asteroid hit planet earth and they were all adapt(adapt is also another word for extinct).
After team 2 it was team 3 they were learning about the same thing as team 2 but they were learning about making there own dinosaurs and team 3 was also surprised to make and name their own dinosaurs.
Then next up was term 4 was learning about how animals live eat and hunt and at the back it showed a video of student trying to find out where they were and what animal was behind them but because it was green screen the students couldn't see what was behind them.
After that was team 5, we were learning about how humans survive and how different people adapt with different objects like forks chopsticks or even using their own bare hands to eat there food and then Mr wiseman and Mrs tele’a came out with pictures of hulk, batman, superman and captain america and the audience were excited.
Monday, 21 September 2015
Logo Explanation Recount
Want to make a personal logo that represents yourself? Yes, well today's your lucky day.
Firstly you make a list of what culture you are, what sport you play, and what you do or see everyday.
Next thing you have to do is draw 4 or more thumbnail concept ( a thumbnail concept is a logo that is the shape of your thumb) on a piece of blank paper.
The third step is to make your concept stand out by adding colour or by changing the font around and see how it looks.
The last and final step is to draw it on a computer and save the file type as jpg or png. To save paper, go to print preview and edit any changes required before you print.
It could be used for merchandise or for representing a club or school.
Something I did for the first time
Something I did for the first time was go on one of the scary ride in rainbows end the power surge( it is a ride that goes up and down side to side and you go right side up and upside down), when me and my cousin was at the line of the power surge and I was already getting butterflies and we weren't on the ride yet.
When we got closer and closer to the ride I got more frightened and more frightened, when we finally got on the ride my legs were shaking because of the chill climbing up my spine making me colder and colder, and when the ride went up I started to feel something in my stomach and it felt like butterflies.
When the ride started to spin I thought we were going to go forward but we went backwards and that is more scary than going forward, when the ride finally finished I felt relieved to get off and In my head I was thinking “should I go again or go on another scary ride”
Then I said to my cousin “let's go on another scary ride”
then the next ride we went on was the invader and it was more fun going backwards.
Friday, 18 September 2015
Something I did this week
Something I did this week was make a personal logo for literacy what I had in my logo was patterns and something that I do as an activity and it said "Proud To Be Soccer Samoan" I felt proud of making it because it showed a lot about me it showed that I am an islander and I play soccer.
Another thing I learnt was at tech/technology was that we made a hamburger it was easy making our own meat patties and creating a perfect hamburger.
Firstly you need to put 1/8 of mince and put it in to a bowl and crack one egg and pour it in to the bowl with the mince mix it and while one person is doing that the other person can do this.
Secondly you need to slice and dice half of an onion and when you finished slicing and dicing the onion you can pour it in with the mince (tip.1 cut the onion in little tiny squares). and get bread crumbs plain and scoop 1/4 of a table spoon on to your chopping board. After that you need to make meat balls and roll all over the bread crumbs, you can make as many as you want just as long as you have as many mince and onion, when you did that you need the squash the meat ball on your palm if it is big you need to squeeze hard.
Next you need to put in a frying pan and put oil in the frying pan first before you put it your meat patties in, you need to put the frying pan in the left front of the oven turn it to 50 degrees, get you spatula and get flipping.
while the person is getting the meat patties ready you can get the lettuce and tomato ready for the meat patties and get you burger buns ready to, when the meat patties are ready you can take it to the buns, you need to put the lettuce first then the meat patties and put the tomato on top and then put the last burger bun on the top of your perfect hamburger.
Another thing I learnt was at tech/technology was that we made a hamburger it was easy making our own meat patties and creating a perfect hamburger.
Firstly you need to put 1/8 of mince and put it in to a bowl and crack one egg and pour it in to the bowl with the mince mix it and while one person is doing that the other person can do this.
Secondly you need to slice and dice half of an onion and when you finished slicing and dicing the onion you can pour it in with the mince (tip.1 cut the onion in little tiny squares). and get bread crumbs plain and scoop 1/4 of a table spoon on to your chopping board. After that you need to make meat balls and roll all over the bread crumbs, you can make as many as you want just as long as you have as many mince and onion, when you did that you need the squash the meat ball on your palm if it is big you need to squeeze hard.
Next you need to put in a frying pan and put oil in the frying pan first before you put it your meat patties in, you need to put the frying pan in the left front of the oven turn it to 50 degrees, get you spatula and get flipping.
while the person is getting the meat patties ready you can get the lettuce and tomato ready for the meat patties and get you burger buns ready to, when the meat patties are ready you can take it to the buns, you need to put the lettuce first then the meat patties and put the tomato on top and then put the last burger bun on the top of your perfect hamburger.
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
How To Create A Personal Logo
This is a video that has five steps on how to make a personal logo that represents yourself and other people find about you. It also helps you with a business logo or a job.
You can also make a T-shirt design with your own logo on it so hope you enjoy my little video.
Monday, 14 September 2015
Cross Country
Cross Country
Last week on a Monday It was a bright and sunny day with a breeze of wind, I felt excited to do cross country because mostly what I liked about cross country was that I loved putting my feet in the mud.
After lunch we changed into our house color some of us were in Red (Te Aroha), Yellow (Takitimu), Blue (Tainui), Green (Matatua), My house color was Yellow and I when I were a Yellow T-shirt I feel like spongebob or bumblebee.
After we changed Into our House colors we went to the court to group with the whole school when we were waiting it was freezing cold and I hate waiting in the cold, Then when the Year 6’s went the Year 7 boys and I were next and I was getting so excited.
When we went on the starting line my knees were shaking because of how cold it was just standing there, then Mr Burt (Principal) came to get us ready to run “ say no crash ups” Mr Burt said.
Then we responded “no crash ups”.
Then Mr Burt got ready and got his to pieces of blocks and hit them together and made a gunshot sound, then we all started running when we got up to the first checkpoint someone already slipped and I thought we were going to crash up all ready but the Year 7 and 8 have to do two laps but the rest of the school had to do one lap.
When I did my second lap I was excited to go and get a drink of water and when I got to the finish line I came 10th and all the other I years of being here in this school was coming in a different place and I'm glad I came 10th and finally I got a drink of water and cooled down and my mum was proud of me too I tried my hardest to get a different placing.
Monday, 7 September 2015
This September My family is doing something called Steptember If you don't know what Steptember it is a walking fundraiser that is for the kids that can't walk and you have to do 10,000 step a day
My Mum started making my family do Steptember and we started eating healthy and did 10,000 for three days and yesterday we went for 2 laps around the block and when I got home I felt more fit then ever before.
Than Today we are timing ourself to see how fast we go and we have to keep on going and keep on beating our time again and again.
My Mum started making my family do Steptember and we started eating healthy and did 10,000 for three days and yesterday we went for 2 laps around the block and when I got home I felt more fit then ever before.
Than Today we are timing ourself to see how fast we go and we have to keep on going and keep on beating our time again and again.
Steptember has fundraised $2,671,408.38 for the kids that can't walk in Africa that is the reason why we are doing Steptember you can also be in a group of four people and my team is my Dad my Uncle and my Aunty and I and my group has done 46,030 steps altogether hope you have fun for the people that are already in Steptember.
Friday, 4 September 2015
What I learnt this week
This week I learnt about a strategy ratios and Mr Wiseman gave us a website called thinking blocks it helps you learn/understand ratios and it gives you some questions just to make sure you understand how ratios work.
Another thing I learnt was on Thursday we have technology or tech for short, but the year 8's go on Tuesday there are four classes Graphics, Music, Cooking and Hard martial this term I'm in cooking and Yesterday we cooked salsa I was so excited when it was my first time in cooking the salsa also tasted delicious but we got into groups of 2 - 3.
In graphics you get to draw and make a takeaway box and make a poster that represents a restaurant that you created.

In woodwork you have to create something just from a piece of wood and I created a old racing car and added detail by drawing a little wheel.
The last and final class is music you get to play instruments and see how much you know about that instrument.
Also in reading I did an activity the activity was that we had to make a personal logo that represents your own culture and yourself here is what it looks like.
Another thing I learnt was on Thursday we have technology or tech for short, but the year 8's go on Tuesday there are four classes Graphics, Music, Cooking and Hard martial this term I'm in cooking and Yesterday we cooked salsa I was so excited when it was my first time in cooking the salsa also tasted delicious but we got into groups of 2 - 3.
In graphics you get to draw and make a takeaway box and make a poster that represents a restaurant that you created.

In woodwork you have to create something just from a piece of wood and I created a old racing car and added detail by drawing a little wheel.
The last and final class is music you get to play instruments and see how much you know about that instrument.
Also in reading I did an activity the activity was that we had to make a personal logo that represents your own culture and yourself here is what it looks like.
Trade and Enterprise,
Year 7
Monday, 31 August 2015
Reading Progression managing time
I went a level down because I did not achieve my goal for term 2 but I will keep on going until I get my goal achieved. but my next goal is to get to the blue level so I can achieve my first goal of the year, so I have to finish everything I have to do for literacy.
Thursday, 27 August 2015
Financially responsible spend, share, save
What are some responsible/irresponsible ways in which we use money? buying junk food. and buying food for your family.
What are responsible financial habits? paying bills, buying clothes, buying cheap things.What decisions could we make to save money? put it in a bank/budget, credit card,efpost card.
This is a presentation that was made about this term other classes are learning about different stuff but the senior block is learning about how to be financially responsible. and all this term we have been learning how to save. like putting it in a wallet for safe keeping and keeping it with you were ever you go and earn money when you do chores.
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
Smart Surfing
This is another activity we had with miss Kyla if you don't who miss Kyla is she is a teacher at tamaki primary but she come to Pt england school to teach us about cyber smart, this activity is about giving more information on google and how to find what your looking for, what I mean is that instead of putting one word you should put more words instead of one.
Monday, 10 August 2015
for literacy my class did a info graphic meaning it is some information in a picture my info graphic was about 10 ways to be safe online the reason I chose this topic was because of how many people get in to heaps of trouble online and how they do not obey the law of technology.
Monday, 27 July 2015
Sk8r Jam Apparel
This is a Reading activity that my literacy for Week 1 & 2 it is about how hard working people get to make there own T-shirt business and making more money from doing hard working chores and trying to make a lot of money from there T-shirt company.
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Immersion Assembly
Yesterday Pt England school had a Immersion Assembly. It had lots of teachers in costumes doing a play or a movie about this terms topic Trade & Enterprise. It was looking very exciting!
For the team 1 item it was about team 1 going to have a market around this term and the teachers were throwing chocolate coins around the hall what the kids shouted “Yes” They might be excited to buy things from their own market and sell some things.
Team 2 was about ice cream and the teachers were dressed in onesies they were characters from winnie the pooh and we had to do a quiz to get a chocolate, all the answers were easy for every answer I raised my hand up like a thunder storm but I still didn’t get picked.
Team 4 did a play about a boy named bob and his three emotions Calm,Sassy and extra happy I knew Miss Lavakula was extra happy because she skipped on stage and had a big smile on her face, I knew Mr Goodwin was calm because of the way he was talking like he was tired and he was walking like he was lazy, I knew Mr somerville was sassy because the way he came in flicking he fingers moving his head back and forth and the way he was talking.
Then we moved on to the next and last team, team 5 it was about a play with Mr Wiseman, Mrs Moala,Miss peato and Mr Barks, when Mr Wiseman said “I have all the money when we need something” when Mr wise forgot about his dinner with Mrs tele’a and when a truck arrived in front of their house and they rushed in trying to persuade Mr Wiseman and his wife Mr Barks and when Mr wiseman said “don’t worry honey we don’t need those toe rags because were financially” then we all shouted “Responsible"
Wednesday, 1 July 2015
End Of Term 2
This is the last week of term 2 and what 3 things I liked about this term is how we had a sports tournament against each other in the year 7 & 8 block, the next thing I liked about this term is how we did learning and I nearly finished all of my work, another thing I liked about this term is how Mr Wiseman makes us put our hand in a goodie bag I got a colorful crayons but I wanted to switch for a chocolate. And I won't be blogging for 2 weeks and I'll miss my blog audience and comments
Rough draft
A boys first taste of burger king
Once upon a time in the year of 2020 it was a boys birthday and his name was Tim when he got out of bed “its my birthday its my birthday” Tim Yelling and when he went downstairs Bang! “Happy Birthday” shouted tim’s parents would you like the breakfast of your life you can choose when you change out of your pajamas. I ran upstairs to get changed into my birthday clothes it had cakes on my shirt and candles that said 11 and jeans and my new shoes. when I went down my mum said “what would you like for breakfast” I said.
“ I really feel like some hot cakes at mcdonald's”. My Dad yelled “hey son can you come here” “Sure Dad” I said. When I went to him I saw on the news every Mcdonalds in auckland is getting closed down. I gasped “we better hurry mum lets go”. when we rushed to the nearest Mcdonalds there was a long line that went all the way to the drive thru, it was so far that I couldn’t even see the front of the line so we rushed to the next Mcdonald's and it was packed too, we went to every one of them until one Mcdonald that was not open yet “Finally” I said to myself. When my mum went to go look at the time it opens she said “Son we might not have any breakfast today”. “why” I said to my mum.”It’s already closed” she said, then I said in a down voice “let’s go home Mum”. “come on son you can taste the breakfast at burger king” my Mum said. “But you know I don’t like burger king” I said. “who knows it might taste the same” my Mum said. “Ok” I said. When we went to Burger king I said “this looks like the 1990’s”. “ I would like one hot cakes” my mum said. when my hotcakes came it looked yum it had butter syrup it's just like the one at Mcdonalds. when I had my first taste it was a beautiful taste, “we should come here every time” I said. “Ok” my Mum said. when we got home and I saw my dad still in the same spot we left him in, “how was your breakfast”. “A nice beautiful taste of breakfast” I said. “where did you go to get your breakfast”. “Burger king and it was my first time there” I said. and when I went to my room I saw a big flat screen tv with a ps4 connected to it “thank you” I yelled. then I lived happy all my life.
Monday, 29 June 2015
Friday, 26 June 2015
Tinkering Tools & Toys Foosball table
This week my group the creators and I finished our model foosball table and might start the original version it might take a little while but it might be fun making thing and we might make one at home, it will be hard to try and fix and undo everything.
Monday, 15 June 2015
Number Of The Week
My Lucky number for this week is 23 and I had to go through questions that was about my lucky random number.
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
Anzac Memorial Animation
Hi My Name is Lorenzo and My Movie is about anzac day and how real and paper poppy's are made and when soldiers were them. There is a lot To tell you in my movie And It will show you How To And I also did an animation for poppy's I hope you like it.
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
WALT: Complete follow up tasks in a timely manner.
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Future Aspirations
Today we heard from Marcus Winter aka The Sandman and Louis Gordon-Latty they talked to us about keep on doing what you do awesome at and sometimes you might end up being on stages and sometimes on fancy ships to inspire people to do more of what they do awesome at like when Marcus Winter started at the streets then he started to go on stages and when he went for jobs he got bounced but you learn to keep on trying when you don't get what you want to get and when you struggle in school your brain grows bigger like Albert Einstein walked out of school when he was 15 and he became one of the most famous scientist. Louis Gordon-Latty talked to us about when you do something like you got a goal in your soccer club, Basket ball club and you want to keep it as a memorial so he showed us a video of him playing last night and he showed us a part when he got a goal and we all clapped and cheered for him because it felt like it was on TV and it was live. After that when he showed us the video of him playing with his basket ball team Glory League then we said our thank you speeches Marcus Winter took a selfie with his selfie stick and it was a good photo.
Friday, 15 May 2015
Zeal zones (World War One Songs) Hanging on the old barbed wire
the person who wrote my song is chumbawamba and it was written in 1988 it is about some soldiers looking for there general.
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