
Monday 14 March 2016

In trouble

In trouble
It was a normal day at school as the office announced on the speaker “Practice today for school band after school and lunchtime, practice today for school band after school and lunch time thank you”

Junior rushed to class like a flash of light and as he entered the classroom the bell just rung, “that's how my lucky wristband helps me to get through my day” and as he went to go put his bag on the hook he heard “good morning Miss Sanisitou” then he ran but the class just saw the door open, but then they heard “good morning Miss Sanisitou” Junior yelled as his brother was terrified by his loud voice.

So Miss Sanisitou called the roll and as she finished there was another announcement “ Miss Sanisitou come to the office there’s a visitor waiting, Miss Sanisitou come to the office there’s a visitor waiting thank you”.

As she left the class she said “be good and when I come back and when you’re all quiet you’ll all get a lollies” then everyone shouted “Yay”

so she left the classroom it sounded like a public library so when he was doing his work he whispered David “can you do my homework when you get home I have band practice and tell mum not to pick me up because I want to walk with my friends” so David whispered back “ok”.

Then the door opened and everyone knew it was Miss Sanisitou, she was so surprised with joy and handed out lollies to everyone and as she came to Junior she whispered “take two” because of how much work Junior’s been doing then “riing, riing” the bell rang and everyone went to go put back their book and pencils, everyone heard a big rumble from someone's stomach and it was Tevita that was hungry and so was everyone else, so Junior bung out his meatball sub and everyone was staring at what Junior brung to school,David also bung  out his Ham with lettuce and Mayo and everyone was surprised at what David bung to school too. As they were eating the morning tea eating bell finished and David and Junior went to go play soccer with the older kids but nearly everyone liked him and David except for Johnlee he hated them like an enemy because he’s been doing
good his whole life but he has never been noticed and ever since then he has been thinking of a plan. then as they we're playing Junior always has been doing skills like he is gonna be one of the best players ever.

Later on the bell rang and Junior ran to class and when he arrived he went straight to doing work,  after he finished the teacher gave him a certificate for doing 5 weeks of good work

“thank you Miss Sanisitou” Junior thanked and when his work was finished he showed his teacher and she told him

“you can do free time” (you get to play games) so he went on to play a new game that came out and it’s called and everyone was staring at how good he was playing and he always came first, then the next bell rang and it was lunch time and he sprinted as fast as he could and as he entered he went to the computer room and picked up his electric guitar and started doing his part in the school band and he learnt his new guitar solo for a special night we're everyone does a group performance but some of the groups are islanders and the rest are just dance groups and others, next the bell rang and the band teacher said

good his whole life but he has never been noticed and ever since then he has been thinking of a plan. then as they we're playing Junior always has been doing skills like he is gonna be one of the best players ever.

Later on the bell rang and Junior ran to class and when he arrived he went straight to doing work,  after he finished the teacher gave him a certificate for doing 5 weeks of good work

“thank you Miss Sanisitou” Junior thanked and when his work was finished he showed his teacher and she told him

“you can do free time” (you get to play games) so he went on to play a new game that came out and it’s called and everyone was staring at how good he was playing and he always came first, then the next bell rang and it was lunch time and he sprinted as fast as he could and as he entered he went to the computer room and picked up his electric guitar and started doing his part in the school band and he learnt his new guitar solo for a special night we're everyone does a group performance but some of the groups are islanders and the rest are just dance groups and others, next the bell rang and the band teacher said “ok good practice everyone you can go back to class” then Junior ran to class and he continued being the good boy that Miss Sanisitou knows and loves,  then it was 3:00 was near and they all helped pack up the classroom and then the bell rang and everyone said all together “Good afternoon Miss Sanisitou”

Then Junior sprinted back to the computer room to have another practice and they kept on practising until it was 5:30

“ok thanks for coming everyone and have a good day, goodbye” then he walked home with his best friend Ben and he was also playing electric guitar but the only difference is Junior is the lead guitarist and Ben is the backup guitarist and they we're talking and talking until it was time to for Junior to go through a shortcut in the alleyway and his house was on the other side, as he walked through the alleyway Junior heard a

“swoosh” and he looked back and there was nothing then he heard it again he looked everyone but there was nothing, then he felt something come over his head and all he saw was darkness, then he was thrown in a van
and he heard people saying “what are we gonna do with this kid”

“I don’t know ask the boss” then it was silent and he heard the car stop and he was thrown again on the floor and he kept on being pushed and as he stopped he entered a room of darkness, and he heard “are you Junior Joshua”  

“Yea, whose talking” he said in a nervous way then the mask was taken off him and all Junior saw was a mysterious looking man wearing goggles pitch black and a mask the had a foot on top painted red

“who are you” Junior said bravely

“ i’m the headmaster of the foot clan”

“is the foot clan like a new clan that was made in call of duty” Junior said on and on

“no, no and again no” the man said over and over

Then as they we're having their conversation the man says “that’s it” and as he was removing his mask he saw
the same coloured beard as his dad and he saw the same scar that was on his cheek and the man goes

“that’s for coming home late”

and as it was his father and the people talking was his brother and mum and they didn't even recognise their own son and brother and as he was so happy that it wasn't a random gang that was about to do bad things to Junior and they all went home happily ever after.

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