
Monday 21 September 2015

Logo Explanation Recount

Want to make a personal logo that represents yourself? Yes, well today's your lucky day.

Firstly you make a list of what culture you are, what sport you play, and what you do or see everyday.

Next thing you have to do is draw 4 or more thumbnail concept ( a thumbnail concept is a logo that is the shape of your thumb) on a piece of blank paper.

The third step is to make your concept stand out by adding colour or by changing the font around and see how it looks.

The last and final step is to draw it on a computer and save the file type as jpg or png.  To save paper, go to print preview and edit any changes required before you print.

It could be used for merchandise or for representing a club or school.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent job Lorenzo! I really like how clear you have made the different steps needed to create a logo.
